So, we are in a world with less and less certainty. All of us in India, Iran, Iraq, Kashmir, US, UK, Australia...
This is when we turn to our ancestors and foremothers - the angry ones, the ones who held on to their hope and vision, the defiant ones. This is when we bring each other within our circle of care. This, more than ever, is when we rely on our ability to develop new rudders. Just breathe in this body. Just breathe into that space, its patterns of folding, contours and dissolving, difficulties and expansion. What is not into form is also right here, along with all that did form. We have inherited information and signatures that have shaped us, and our DNA is not just form but space, and space is infinite possibility. The answers are within us - and will come into the play of possibility through relationship, through conversations, with each other. The answers are not only within us. Just breathe through the body. With each other, we can go into what feels heavy, because we have a way back when we are together.
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October 2024