A few days ago, The Bangalore Review published a conversation I had with poet and artist Sophia Naz. We discussed poetry and the unsayable, Sandhya Bhasha, renewal, memories that survive surveillance, oral traditions, women and flying, animist perspectives, and more. Now Sophia and I will be reading together at the San Francisco Public Library in April. We will be at the Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room in the Main Library. Please join us if you can. Roots and Resonance A reading by two South Asian diasporic poets, Monica Mody and Sophia Naz, whose poetry takes on/seeks to retell the histories and memories of the sacred and the profane, the oral and the experimental, the liminal and the subliminal, India and Pakistan. The poets share commonalities across partitioned ancestral stories, and they persist through the ambiguities of singing the dead to life. Sunday, April 14, 1pm-2:30pm.
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October 2024